An overview of what to expect
My role as a coach is to create a trusting relationship, which provides you with a safe space to discover what matters in your leadership and to take action to bring that to life.
I approach coaching as a partnership. I hold your aspirations and growth as paramount and will support you with authentic presence, empathetic listening, genuine curiosity and gentle challenge. Together we will engage in direct, honest and purposeful conversations to stimulate your thinking and use resources, strategies and a rigorous commitment to accountability to create sustainable shifts in your leadership.
The coaching program will be designed jointly between us, based on your stated development goals. We will establish what you want to get out of each session in relation to that overall goal, understanding that sometimes an immediate need is met quickly and we can move on to look at other areas together.
The coaching will be most effective with your full and open participation and commitment, and your ability to dedicate time to any agreed upon development work between sessions (e.g. self-observation exercises, behavioral practices, action steps).
Coaching is a comprehensive process that may touch on personal issues or life conditions that have an impact on professional effectiveness. However, coaching is not a substitute for therapy, psychological counseling or social work. If we come across an issue that would be better dealt with therapeutically, I will bring this to your attention.
Likewise, coaching conversations do not constitute legal, financial or business advice. You, as the client, are solely responsible for any decisions, actions and consequences arising as a result of the coaching work.
In the event of any difficulties during our coaching program, my intention is to work together to discuss what you need to strengthen our relationship so that it supports your growth and development. I will periodically check in with you to ensure that the coaching experience is productive and I commit to making any adjustments needed to best serve your learning objectives.
I require an initial commitment of either 6 or 10 sessions, as part of a coaching program to ensure we can achieve tangible results for you. We will generally meet twice a month for one hour, via Zoom.
Package prices are tailored to meet your specific circumstances. I also offer a limited number of pro-bono and “low-bono” packages, as I don’t ever want price to be the reason someone can’t access coaching when they need it.
I request that all program sessions are scheduled in advance to keep us accountable, with the understanding that there is flexibility to reschedule sessions if needed. However, I do request 24 hours’ notice of cancellation or rescheduling an appointment. Any sessions missed, without notification, will be counted as part of the contracted coaching hours.
As a coach, I uphold a commitment to the ethics and standards of behavior established by the International Coach Federation which can be viewed at www.coachfederation.org/ethics. As such, I maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client information, unless release is required by law. We will have a clear agreement about how coaching information will be exchanged between us and a third-party sponsor (if relevant). You, as the client, will have sole discretion to share feedback, assessments and other information related to the coaching process, as you see fit.
As part of my commitment to continuing professional development, I am required to submit a coaching log to the International Coach Federation to verify my coaching hours. By entering into a coaching relationship, you are providing permission for me to include your name, and contact information in the coaching log, solely for this purpose.